Thursday, September 17, 2015

Back In Finishing Mode!

Remember that list of projects I wrote up a few months ago to finish before I started anything new??? Luckily, you don't have to; only I do!!! I can check a few things off!!! What a good feeling! It's very tempting to say, ok, enough of this, on to something new, but I have held off and will keep with the program...

Here is the first quilt I have finished and will deliver to its recipient very soon. The future owner is a dear friend and member of a small quilting group several of us have here in Houston. We have lots of fun when we get together, and I hope that shows in the quilt.

This quilt is for Ida, and she is the dark-haired beauty! We are all quilting fairies!!! We work magic with quilts! At least that is what we tell ourselves on a good day... I just hope Ida loves the quilt and enjoys it when she looks at it!!!

The next piece that is ready for my quilter, a quilting fairy in her own right, is my EPP stars. I added just a little embellishment to the top and a row of colonial knots between the stars and the border. I am happy with it as a first effort.  I am looking forward to making other EPP quilts, lots of others!

The last photo is the fabric for the backing, which I really like.  It is in the stars on the front; I like the lacey design and the soft color.  I am looking forward to seeing this top quilted. It is a throw size.

And one more! Yes, I said I was in finishing mode!!! Now, I only laid the laces on the border to show you what I am going to sew down today. So, to be fair, I photographed the top without the lace in the border and with it.  You can see which you prefer. This is a pattern by Yoko Saito. My book is in Japanese, but I think the name of the quilt is "Floral Bouquet Quilt".  The book is now available in English. As you will see I changed a lot of the details, but the layout remains the same.  I really think this is fine. A pattern is a guide. Use it as you wish.  That is my philosophy.

There are lots of details in this quilt, and there are still some I have to add that go between the blocks. It has been great fun to use lots of different techniques and fibers and fabrics. Color is my one constraint. Other than that, pretty much anything goes.

I want to mention a book I received in the mail yesterday. It's Country Style Quilting, by Lynette Anderson. Fabulous!!! Delightful!!! I think you really need it!!!

Fall is in the air here in Houston and that only means one thing:  Quilt Festival!!!! Hope you are coming!!!!


1 comment:

  1. For my 'Cynthia fix' I have visited your blog rather than seeing you in person.. Second best I know but such a wonderful treat to the eyes...... But now I want to see how these turned out.. I love how brave you are to send your babies to the quilter but so much better than having them in a pile at home waiting.... Your work on the Yoko Saito quilt is 'Exquisite' ... Next year I can see it in person... Yay... xx
