The explanation is this: It started innocently enough. I wrote an email to a very sweet friend saying I could forego blue in my color scheme in my house. I had originally planned to use the green/blue/magenta/orange-yellow tetrad, but the paint I selected for most of the walls turns out to be a very greyed aqua green. I love the paint, which is good. At least I am not thinking I have to totally repaint. (My husband is breathing easier, too!) But, my original color scheme is out the proverbial window.
I thought I could just go over the the aqua green triad, because it includes aqua green and orange-yellow, but the third color is purple. No blue. This is what I wrote to my friend, thinking I had reached a very adult decision. The next day I was trembling! I don't want to go without blue! I don't want to give up blue!!!!
What to do??? I went to my trusty color tool. You know the one by Joen Wolfram. How could I keep aqua green and blue. Yes! The split complement for turquoise will do it. It includes blue (!!!), cerulean blue, turquoise, aqua blue, aqua green (!!!), and orange. Now what has all this got to do with quilting. Well, the best way to test the theory, is this a good color scheme for my house?, is to make a quilt, n'est-ce-pas???
I have cut all the logs for a log cabin. When I am testing a color way, I don't want to be fussing with directions, I just want to play with color. I find log cabins are great for doing this. I also become very obsessive while making one. For example, I came up with this idea yesterday and this is how far I already am. Naughty or nice?
I am also quite close to finished my EPP star quilt. I would like to add colonial knots in a pearl silk along the appliquéd edge before I take it to be quilted. Other than in that, I think it is about there. I just need to stitch the seams in the border.
I would very much like to make another of these quilts, but the next one I would work with much smaller pieces. This first attempt has been a real learning experience. (The finished quilt will measure about 60 by 80 inches.)
I recently purchased a book titled, All Points Patchwork, by Diane Gilleland. I think it contains some of the best directions for EPP that I have seen. Check it out if you have been looking for something like this.
I broke my promise and started something new, but it is necessary!!!
Happy quilting! Make it great!